Fire Shelter and Entrapment Avoidance

                                                               Fire Shelter
Review of Entrapment Avoidance and  Fire Shelter fundamentals.

Our goal is to never need to use a fire shelter.
Constantly updating  LCES is necessary.

Entrapment Avoidance is Priority #1 for all firefighting.

Keep one foot in the black.
         (Quick access to your Safety Zone)

Always (!) know your route to an area safe from a fire blowup.

Constantly keep processing in your mind:
                                                  What is the worst this fire can do?
                                                  What would we do to be safe?
                                                  What could we be not seeing right now?

Keep asking yourself: If the fire comes at me ,what do I do?

We need a never ending process of Risk Management.

                                 Last Resort Survival                    (IRPG grey section last pages 30 and 31)

Escape If You Can...

Find a Survivable Area...

Pick a Fire Shelter Deployment Site...


Analysis of Burnovers

Shelter Training and PPE

Site Selection

Panther Fire deployment video

30 Mile Fire video
Practice shelter compared to a real shelter video

Refolding the practice fire shelter video
pdf Link

Fire shelter pamphlet now online

PMS 411- NWCG Standards for the M-2002 Fire Shelters

Fire Shelter