New Stretchers for all Motherships!
Please watch this video to familiarize yourself with our new Stretcher/ Backboards and
immobilizing Strap Kits.
All backboards have "spider" straps to hold the patient on the board and "stiff neck" collars to immobilize the neck when a back or neck injury is possible.
Video-Using a backboard with spider straps and collar - YouTube
Preparing for Wildfire Medivac video
3 Steps
Evaluate the Patient -Stable or unstable (95% of fire fighters needing attention are stable)
Evaluate where they need to go
Evaluate how to get there
Medical emergency Prep: Practicing Using the 8 Line Report
2022 NWCG Emergency Medical Care Guidelines
Severe Bleeding
1.Call 911
2.Apply pressure with hands.
3.Pack the wound.if severe bleeding does not stop:
4.Apply Tourniquet
NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire First Aid
Stop the Bleed online training https://www.stopthebleed.org/training
Discuss how we might encounter a severe bleeding situation.
Practice applying tourniquets.
How to Apply a Tourniquet
Teen Saves Mom with Shoelace Touriquet
Using a Tourniquet
Clinical Treatment Guidelines for Wildland Fire Medical Units
Blisters: Prevention and Treatment
How to treat a Blister Correctly ( first look at your blister Roof)(Also explains an "Island"dressing)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGqXa3wujiM
Treating a Deroofed Blister Correctly with Hydrocolloids such as Compeed
Blisters:Prevent if possible
Hot spots: As soon as someone notices a hot spot or discomfort from a boot rubbing assess
the problem.
If redness appears: Clean with water (or alcohol swab)
Consider applying Moleskin (with athletic tape covering to secure it)
Change socks
If a Blister appears: Assess
Is the "Blister Roof" intact (the blister bubble has not drained and
the skin is not torn)
Intact is good It greatly reduces the chance of infection.
Clean the area with water (and soap) and an alcohol or Betadine swab
Cover with Moleskin and then athletic tape to secure
If the "Blister Roof" is torn or removed,opened or drained treat to prevent infection by:
Clean wth water (and soap) in the field
Clean the area with alcohol or Betadine swab
Prepare a small piece of gauze with triple antibiotic ointment
If the blisterroof is gone,keep moist with ointment and protected
Cover with a larger piece of Moleskin to create an "Island" dressing
Secure with athletic tape
Blisters:Why You Should Not Pop Them
video 2min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pG7VZJt2P0
Bee Stings
Antihistamines can reduce swelling
Poison Oak
Causes and Cures
Poison oak prevention
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oyoDRHpQK0 Tactical Trauma Kit #1 (choose "Kit Includes' button to view contents)
Contents Link
Using the Stretch-Wrap-and-Tuck Tourniquet (SWAT-T) ("Latex Tourniquet" found in the Tactical Trauma Kit #1)
Health Insurance
A word about health insurance.
Everyone can get help getting a Health Insurance Card! Everyone needs one. Take 10 minutes to see the options for you or your family .
Before applying,open the link below to check plans and costs by entering a little anonymous info :
your zip code
your age
M or F
estimate of 2023 income
Example : 28 year old male in Medford,Oreogn zip 97504 with estimate of $20,000 income for 2023, is eligible for several good plans including:
Providence Health Plan or Moda Health Plans for $1 a month. ONE DOLLAR A MONTH. 39 plans are available. Lower monthly rate has higher deductible, Higher monthly rate Gold plans have a lower deductible.
See what you qualify for here LINK BELOW: https://www.healthcare.gov/see-plans/#/
Get health insurance now. https://www.healthcare.gov/
Surgical Dressing https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Extra-Large-Absorbent-Surgical-Dressing-for-Moderate-to-Heavy-Wounds-12-Count/140728156?athbdg=L1600&from=/search
4 by 4 Gauze Pads https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Gauze-Pads-4-x-4-25-Count/400745681?athbdg=L1600&from=/search
Rolled Gauze https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Rolled-Gauze-3-x-2-5-yd-5-Count/191193830?athbdg=L1200&from=/search
Triangular bandagehttps://www.walmart.com/search?q=triangular+bandages
Tourniquet https://www.walmart.com/search?q=torniquet
Eye Drops
Quik Litter
iodine prep pads https://www.walmart.com/search?q=iodine+prep+pad
5ml normal saline
Hemostatic gauze
EMT Kits assembled in US
Splint padded
Bleeding stop gauze-Hemostatic gauze
CPR mask kits- 6 kits per unit
Troubleshooting Prestan CPR App
More supplies:
Padded splint https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-Padded-Aluminum-Splint-36-Rolled-Easy-Storage-Sports-Home-First-Aid-Orange/964292991
Moleskin https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Moleskin-Padding-Sheets-3-Count/35756729?athbdg=L1103&from=/search
Triangular bandage https://www.walmart.com/ip/Dealmed-Triangular-Bandages-36-x-36-x-51-12-Box/807741075?classType=REGULAR&athbdg=L1200&from=/search
Surgical dressing 5x9 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Extra-Large-Absorbent-Surgical-Dressing-for-Moderate-to-Heavy-Wounds-12-Count/140728156?athbdg=L1600&from=/search
Iodine prep pads https://www.walmart.com/ip/Povidone-Iodine-Prep-Pad-Medium-Case-of-1000/5704477884?classType=REGULAR&from=/search
First Aid MOLLE pouch https://www.walmart.com/ip/ASA-Techmed-EMT-Pouch-MOLLE-Ifak-Pouch-Tactical-MOLLE-Medical-First-Aid-Kit-Utility-Pouch-Green/387474639