Human Factors,Communications, and Decision Making RT 130

 Review the complexity of Human Factors and the potential effect on both Communication and Decision Making.wild

Human Factors, Communication and Decision Making:   

  • Operational Leadership.
  • Communication Responsibilities.
  • Situational Awareness.
  • Command Presence.
  • Leader’s Intent.
  • Mental Health. 
Work -Life Balance 
More attention is being paid to the potential effects of  various kinds of stress and how
wildland firefighters deal with it. 
The job sometimes offers rewarding situations not found in many occupations.
The demands of  a busy fire season schedule  are unlike most jobs though.
 The Preparedness Guide for Firefighters offers some tips on this subject and much more.

A Preparedness Guide for Firefighters and Their Families



5 Communication responsibilities


Leading in the Wildland Fire Service


Fireline Leadership (video)
