
Fresh batteries always perform better and decrease problems.
We have 3 kinds of radios. DPH (old school 9 inches tall)
                                            KNG (about 6 inches tall )
                                            BKR ( newest at 10 inches tall)
Radios are now marked in white as: D1,D2.... K1,K2.... or B1,B2 ...     

Cloning the  DPH  to another DPH and to a KNG p150S

Cloning KNGp150S to a KNGp150S (other KNG radios are similar, see below) and then to the DPH (older style).

Cloning the BKR 5000 , KNG p150 , and the KNG2p150 :

Cloning the BKR 5000, or the KNG (p150 , KNGp150S,  KNG2 p150,or KNG2 CMD) from any    KNG or BKR 5000.
    Prepare the radios and connect the cable.
On the Destination radio :
    Choose zone to be cloned to, in the BKR, KNG(or KNG2) p150 or p150S .(Push Zone button (or choose "Zone Select" from the Menu ). Use arrows up or down to reach zone desired- push Enter.             After you are on the desired zone 
       Open  Menu  (some radios may have a "CLON" button)
             choose               >Cloning  -enter
            scroll down to    >Enter Dest Clone  -enter
            Screen says "            Destination Clone
If  the destination radio is a KNGp150S or a DPH, the "Enter Dest Clone" step is not needed.        "
     On the Source radio, KNG or BKR , start by opening Menu> Cloning >Clone Active Zone - 
         To begin cloning press   ENTER
             [  (on some radios (p150S)the screen will ask:     Clone UCG/PLT?   no?  yes? (choose yes)  ]                
   Source radio reads :Cloning in Progress
   Destination radio reads: Destination Clone Start
   Source radio, after 20 seconds will read: Source Clone Complete (some radios take longer)
After about 35 seconds destination radio will turn off and then start again .
The screen on the Destination  radio should show the new zone and channel information.
   Check to see if cloning was successful. Put radios on the same channel and key the Push to Talk button.                                            
 [[Source radio is a DPH                                                                                        
If a DPH is the source radio ( the old "Brick" Legacy BK) prepare for usual cloning with the programming button end of the cloning cable inserted . Hold down the programming button and  FCN
until  "_ _ _ _ _ _ ID appears. (see video below (Field Programming the DPH)
 Enter six zeros .Hit -ENT 

CH00 should appear. To begin cloning quickly hit *  the quickly hit FCN
The Source radio should flash PROG.  
If it reads FAIL you must start over. Check connections .Make sure none of the radios are in Scan or Priority ON mode.]]

    Trouble shooting :Cloning Error or FAIL         
      Try again till it works.
       Try cloning to a different zone {sometimes zones are programmed to "reject" an incoming clone.}
        Try a different radio as the destination.
         Turn off scan and priority functions.
          Try a  different cloning cable.
            Try new batteries.
              Field program the Command and Tach channels until you have time to do the rest.
                Get advice from trusted associates. We've been helping others for years.

                 Cloning between the BKR 5000 and the DPH radios is not recommended.

FIELD PROGRAMMING  the KNG  (the BKR 5000 is very similar)     video

FIELD PROGRAMMING the DPH Bendix King (brick)

Bandwidth settings 99.9%

Narrowband( per BK Lead Technician ) 
Our FCC authorized crew frequencies.   Receive and Transmit . No tone or channel guards.






The last CHANNEL 16 (or 20) on All Incident Radio Communications Plans (Form ICS-205) on federal incidents should have AIR GUARD programmed in.
 If you are in an emergency situation and need to reach aircraft, you can quickly turn your radio to this channel to make emergency contact
CHANNEL 16 (or 20)of Incident Comm Plan is 
"Air Guard ".
Rx:168.6250 Tx:168.6250 tx tone;110.9

NATIONAL AIR GUARD: 168.6250 MHz The National Air Guard frequency is used for emergency aviation communications.

Continuous monitoring of this frequency is mandatory by dispatch centers, and aircraft assigned to the incident. 

The National Air Guard frequency is pre-programmed on the last channel of all NIRSC VHF radios. National Air Guard, 168.6250 MHz is authorized for: 
• Emergency air-to-air initial communications 
• Emergency ground-to-air communications 
• Initial call, recall, and redirection of aircraft when no other frequency is available 
Note: Do NOT program over this for a crew channel. 
Introduction to the DPH radio video

Choosing Groups with the DPH
 DPH: Using the Channel Priority Function video

DPH Troubleshooting:

When DPH (brick) radio display is stuck and  reads { ------CH--------} and will not change by turning channel knob, it is stuck in "Group Scan" mode and the screen will not change by changing channels. Not good. To get back to normal functioning do this:

 Follow these steps:
hit FCN  -screen reads> TRN DIR
hit FCN -screen reads > GRP SCN   (flashing)
hit  PRI  -screen reads > GRP SCN    (not flashing)
hit ENT  - screen reads normally with channel it is on

This video explains group scan (which is NOT recommended)

KNG2p150: Setting up Channel Scan and Priority Scan . Scanning a channel in another zone with Zone Scan is possible, if enabled ( by PC programming).

A Look at Tone/Channel Guards

KNG2p150 Manual
National Incident Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) Users Guide

South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership Channel Plan

R5 Frequencies/phone list

Klamath National Forest Radio Repeaters

NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies Oregon Link
                                                          California Link
                                                          Washington Link
       162.400 is the most common Weather frequency (if that doesn't work try 162.425.162.450.162.475
           or 162.525,162.550)

Using the BK KNG150s

BK KNG P150 manual

Scan function p150S (example)  
BK Customer care 800-422-6281 
Getting Started with Your BKR 5000 video
Keypad Programming the BKR 5000 video
Unboxing the BKR 5000 video
BKR 5000 review video from SC Forestry
BKR 5000 manual

DPH Manual